Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Summer 2011


Hi friends! 
Where have y'all been for the past five months?

I know, I know.  It's me, not you. 

My only excuse is this thing called life. 
That's a good excuse, right?

And now it's been over a month since Luke started kindergarten. 

I'm taking that as an indication for me to catch up on this summer's happenings. 

I need deadlines, people. 
This stuff doesn't post itself.

Ok, so where did we leave off? 

I was bragging about my husband and showing lots of cocktail pictures.

 Classy broad, eh?

Technically we were in May!  MAY?!  Man, this is going to be a long one. 

Better grab a cup of coffee or a stiff drink if you're gonna try to stick with me.


 These shots were taken with my phone at Sweet Berry Farms while Luke was in school.  I love this place but I'll spare you the details. 

You can read more about it here, here, and here.

After picking berries, we stopped at McDonald's for a yogurt parfait...

Not sure why I felt the need to give you the play-by-play on this.

May also meant that school was coming to an end (sniff, sniff)...

Zach at some end-of-school party that I don't really remember. 

It was in May, people. 
I can't even remember what I ate for dinner last night.

These were the gifts we gave the teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week...

Can you tell I thought they were pretty cute?  I took like 80 million pictures of them.  
Be thankful I only posted three.

The following pics were from Luke's graduation.  He was in two classes (MWF and TTH) which is why he's wearing two outfits.  And I'm lazy busy so they might not be in any particular order.

Trust me, I wanted to have him dressed up a bit more, but you know how the boy feels about buttons. 


Aren't you thinking they would totally look cuter in little gowns and caps not made from cardboard? 

Me too. 

I like to say our preschool is focused more on the academics and less on the cuteness. :)

 Which is fine by me, but caps and gowns are in the works. 
(Steve and I are plannng to purchase them as a gift to the school.)

Zach with his teacher, Ms. Cindy...

Luke with Ms. Minshew...

I think some of the moms were a little sniffly at the thought of their kids finishing preschool.

I was all,

Alrighty then, where do I sign up for kindergarten?!?! 
 And when does it start?  What, September??? 

May was also the month for Mother's Day, also known as the "Jessica, suck it up and have the kids make a craft" holiday.  We mailed off framed pictures of the kids holding up a We Love You sign...

We also went to Huxley for the Boese Biannual Bash.  Unfortunately when we got there I discovered I had charged the wrong camera battery. 

This was the only shot I took before it went dead...

This is one of the boys' cousins.

Just call me Annie Leibovitz.

(I am so bummed!  Maybe I'll try to snag some from the other Boeses.)

 Next up was June, which also happens to be the birth month of Kid #2.  We asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he chose Chuck E. Cheese. 


I 100% blame PBS for this. 
They may offer educational television without commercials, but somehow they've started sneaking in "sponsors".  This overgrown rat happens to be one of them...

Being bashful.

His gift from us was bunk beds. 

We surprised him with a big room reveal, which may or may not have been an attempt to fulfill some sort of interior design show dream of mine. 

Either way, he was very happy.  Here's the room (unstyled)...

It wasn't 100% done, but my client didn't mind. :) 
We also made him that pull-out Lego table on casters for under the bed.

Hmmm, what else?  Oh, Father's Day...

We surprised Steve with a digital cable box so he could finally watch TV in high def. 

I know, I know, we are some of the last people we know who are still watching regular old cable. 

Call me old fashioned, but I just don't get it. 
I still feel fortunate to have a remote control and to not move bunny ears. 

Am I sounding a little, we walked barefoot to school in the snow uphill both ways, or what?

I also still own (and use) a VCR, so I realize I'm a tad behind.  Sue me.

These were the packages sent out to the grandfathers...

And their coordinating cards...

Oh, that Martha.  She knows how to bring back origami. 

Then came July.  These pics were taken at a little shindig we threw on the 4th...

Our neighbors had us over for a lobster boil, but first they came to our house for swimming, appetizers, and carnival games. 

The games were borrowed from my sweet friend Arleen. 

She is adorable and throws the most wonderful over-the-top parties,
so I jumped at the chance to use her games.

The kids were given tokens to play the games and earned tickets to later cash in at the prize table. 

Even the older kids loved it!

And because I'm dorky, I took pics of some of the food and decor.
Would you really expect any less?

Arleen also brought over the fondant for the stars on these cupcakes because you know, it was only the due date of her THIRD child. 

Is that not a sweet friend? 

She also brought over a little vase filled with red, white, and blue flowers, all which were picked from her garden.  I'll let you decide whether you love her or want to smack her. :) 

And speaking of cupcakes, would you allow me to geek out with some more cupcake photos?

Sure you would...

These were made for a summer party at our friend Dina's house.

And these were for Arleen's baby shower...

Pretty stinkin' cute, huh? 

I can't really take credit for them since the idea came out of a book. 
I'm just the crazy lady who spends waaaay too longing trying to make cupcakes look like babies and ants. 


If only I would put that energy to better use. 
Like say, cleaning my baseboards or finishing Zach's baby book.
(Did I mention he turned three this summer?) 

Maybe I should get a job. 

I wonder if Crazytown is looking for a mayor. 
I've always been intrigued by politics. 

OK, snapping out of it now. 

Where were we? 


Hmmm, I'm totally going off pictures at this point...,

It's a bird.  It's a plane.  It's SUPER LUKE...and ZACH!

The boys were in a summer program for a few weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
And thank goodness for that summer program or things could have gotten ugly uglier around here. 

I mean really, I just don't think people are made to spend that much time with one another, especially when two of those people are nearly impossible to reason with,
and one of those two does not yet wipe his own bum. 

You know what I'm sayin'? 

So anyway, there was a day where the boys were supposed to come dressed as their favorite superhero. 

I always thought it would be fun to make the boys capes but had never gotten around to it,
so I thought this would be the perfect occasion.

I totally had visions of the boys wearing them around the house and coming up with their own superhero traits.

Yeah, well the capes have been hanging in the playroom collecting dust for the past three months.

Oh well.

Oh my goodness, I totally just realized looking at this picture that I sewed the Z on backward. 

How did that happen? 

And to think I've been entrusted with teaching the alphabet to these two little people. 

Nice job, Supermom.  Not.

Moving along...

Apparently August was a rough month. 
I have only a couple pictures to show for it. 

I guess it's just not as much fun to pull the camera out when the kids are whining and fighting.

Seriously, between the heat and the tantrums I was over the summer. 

I mean, like take these children away from me before I go all Andrea Yates on them

Oops, that's not really appropriate, is it? 

Well I'm leaving it because I can and because it sums up the dark place my humor went that month. 

I think I might still be experiencing post traumatic stress symptoms.

But back to August...

I did try to keep my composure and I did continue to attempt Happy Happy activities with them...

On this day we painted cute little birdhouses. 
(This was also the day I first moved off the auto setting on my camera.)

June Mommy would have put them in "painting clothes",
but August Mommy said,

Screw it. Just take 'em off.

November Mommy is now cracking up that my kids were painting in their skivvies. 

Classy stuff going over here. 

Our neighbors probably wish we would move. 

So, there you have it:
Summer 2011. 

I feel better already. 

Peace and chicken grease,

----This post was made possible by two children taking an unusually long nap.----

Friday, June 10, 2011

100 Things

Eight years ago today Steve and I were married on a little sailboat.  I can honestly say that my love for him grows stronger and deeper with each year that passes.

We no longer exchange gifts after a series of big fails on both our parts :), but we do usually write sweet cards and enjoy a nice dinner together.  Today will be no different but I thought it would be fun to post my feelings for him on our blog. 



Surprised at my weirdness?

Probably not.

I also thought it might be nice for the boys to one day read of my absolute love and admiration for their father.

And perhaps on days when I'm feeling a little less than head-over-heals in love, I can refer back to be reminded. :)

So here it goes, 100 things I love about my hubby...

  • He is quite possibly the best father in the history of fathers. (More on that to follow.)
  • He understands my crazy.  (More on that to follow, too.)
  • The sound of his voice still make me weak in the knees.
  • He has taken over bath time because for some reason I do not like that task.  (Maybe something to do with the splashing and scrubbing boy parts?)
  • He's a dog person and loves our dog like another child.
  • He still tells me I'm hot, eight years and two kids later.
  • He waters our plants.
  • He has an appreciation for a nice sunset.
  • He knows that if he comes up to an inverted cup on the floor with a post-it saying "BUG!", it means he's to dispose of it.
  • He still keeps in touch with his childhood and college friends.  (I think that shows loyalty and determination.)
  • He is not a picky eater and will eat anything I make.  (Minus grapes, but I'm okay with that.)
  • I trust him.
  • He trusts me.
  • He's got a cute butt.
  • He's honestly not the most patient person, but he has the patient of a saint when it comes to our kids.
  • He loves me, seemingly unconditionally.
  • When he wants to surprise me he buys a $.99 card and a $4 bunch of flowers from the grocery store because he knows I would think it was a waste to spend more.
  • If I need a hole dug, he's my man.
  • He takes the trash and recyclables out every Wednesday morning without fail.  Then returns them that evening.  (Sometimes it's the little things.)
  • He's the hottest pool boy a girl could ask for. :)
  • He works on home improvement projects with me even though he'd rather hire someone.
  • He loves oysters and cold beer.
  • He knows that on the rare occasions we go out for dinner it will most likely be to a place where I have a coupon.
  • He never take himself too seriously.
  • He is my best friend and soul mate.
  • He has started loading the dishwasher the way I have been requesting for years.  (Can you say OCD??)
  • He no longer gives me trouble about all of our recycling piles and that each one has to be carried off to a different place.
  • He works magic with a plunger.  I don't go near that thing.  Ick.
  • He sometimes surprises me by washing my car.
  • He owns up to his mistakes.
  • He is the easiest going person I know. 
  • He eats slowly and with his mouth closed.  I like that in a man.
  • He is passionate about his job, his family, his friends, and good wine.
  • Our favorite nights are spent cuddled up on the couch with HEB sushi and the latest Modern Family  episode.
  • I've been told that he lights up when speaking of me.  Awwww...
  • He wakes up with the kids in the morning.  This is HUGE.
  • He is the fun parent when I'm the strict parent and vice versa.  It works really well for us.
  • He knows the way to my heart is cleaning under the couch cushions.
  • He mows the yard like a champ, and sometimes lets the boys push the mower (which they LOVE).
  • He looks GOOD in a pair of Levi's.
  • He wears the same size clothes as the day we met.  Actually, that's pretty annoying.
  • He jumps right into playing with the kids before he even puts his briefcase down.
  • He doesn't golf near as much as he used to in order to be with the boys.
  • He gave up his UT football season tickets for the same reason.
  • He's still a kid at heart.
  • He doesn't judge people.
  • He still drives his 2001 Toyota Sequoia with 180,000+ miles with no little complaint.
  • He understands that I need "me" time and lets me have it.
  • He encourages me to do things that make me happy.
  • He puts the toilet seat down.
  • He sets up the coffee maker, complete with timer, the night before.  Love that!
  • He re-wears his clothes so I don't have ridiculous amounts of laundry to do.
  • He doesn't say a word when I geek out on cupcakes and butterflies.
  • The boys think he hung the moon.
  • When I'm feeling far from it, he tells me I'm a good mom.
  • He traded office spaces with me after realizing I have waaaay more crap then he has.
  • He swims with the boys every day.  (I have yet to get in the pool this summer.)
  • He teases me but really does appreciate my Food Nazi ways.
  • He is a hottie!!!!
  • We enjoy the same music.  Think Paul Simon, Willie Nelson, Nelly, and Frank Sinatra on the same playlist...and anything KGSR.
  • We both think a night it can be just as good, if not better, than a night out.
  • He is a fair and honest boss, and people respect him.  I respect him too.
  • He makes a big fat paycheck that allows me to stay at home with the kids.
  • He says he doesn't sleep well away from us.
  • He checks on the kids every night before he goes to bed.
  • He puts up with Luke's strong-willed ways waaaaay better than I do.
  • He has dreamy green eyes.  (Did I just say dreamy?)
  • In an argument, I'm usually the one who closes up and he's the one who makes me talk it out.
  • He's good at apologizing, even when he probably wasn't the one who should have.
  • He was married once before and I think that's made him a better husband to me.
  • He cleans my hair out of the drain.  (Sorry, I know that's kind of gross.  Which is exactly why I can't do it.)
  • Last year when the kids filled the toilet with toys, he was the one to help them take them out.
  • He picks up the dog poop from the back yard.
  • He grills a mean steak.  74
  • Although I'm extremely competitive, I kind of enjoy that he kicks my butt at everything.  Pool, bowling, shuffleboard, washers, you name it.  It's pretty sexy.
  • He would go for a third kid if I was willing.  (I am not willing.)
  • He makes pancakes and sausage for the kids on the weekends.
  • I only buy healthy organic whole grain buckwheat pancake mix and he never only sometimes complains.
  • When we pick up to-go food he's the one to get it.  And he takes the dog with him because she loves to go for rides.
  • If he needs something purchased online he knows to come to me because I will yell at him always find a better deal.
  • He's a good kisser.
  • He "gets" me.
  • He is honest.
  • He's happy to drag the ladder in or the mitre saw out when I'm working on my next project.
  • He rarely complains about all my projects going on at once.
  • He also rarely complains about how I tend to bite off more than I can chew.
  • Wow, he is really sounding like a prince and I still have 16 more to go.
  • He is the yin to my yang.  (Ok, this is getting cheesy.)
  • He completes me. Ha ha ha!  Couldn't resist.  Is anyone still reading this?
  • He was supportive of me going through natural childbirth.  Enough said.
  • When I complain about gaining weight since the car accident, he says he hasn't even noticed.  Huge points on this one.
  • He laughs even when I bust out with my inappropriate 14-year-old boy humor.
  • He plays boring board games with the kids.
  • He shares his food with me.  (If you know him at all, this is huge.)
  • We share the same values and are committed to raising our kids to be thoughtful and capable adults.
  • When he does eat "bad food", he waits until the kids are in bed.
  • He finds what I have to say interesting.  Most of the time.
  • He knows how to cut and install crown moulding.  Kind of.
  • He is a good son.
  • He married well. :)  (Couldn't resist.)
    So there you have it.  Please note this list was compiled in about an hour while the kids were napping.  I'm sure I missed some, but I'm also sure he'll get the gist.  And he's either going to think it's really sweet that I posted this on our family's blog or he's going to kill me. 
    Which one do you think it will be?
    Happy Anniversary, sweetie!  I love you!