I spend many of my days feeling overwhelmed. It seems like there aren't enough hours in the day, especially when you have two little ones trying their best to keep you from doing anything and everything that would involve something other than playing with them. I desperately want to do it all, to keep a clean house, to feed my family delicious and healthy meals, to volunteer more and whine less, to host lovely parties while making it look effortless, to let my kids play with paint and glitter and not freak out about the mess, to go back to school and start an amazing career, to write letters and keep in better touch with family and old friends, to leave my husband sweet little notes to remind him how much I adore and appreciate him, to finally make those zucchini banana muffins since my kids don't eat enough veggies, to clean out my closets and organize the garage, to mentor the underprivileged children that Oprah convinced me to do, to flip my mattresses as often as I'm supposed to, to grow my own organic vegetables...okay I'm getting a little carried away here, but you see where I'm going with this. The reality is, just getting - and keeping - everyone dressed, fed, and happy takes the better part of the day. And then there's all the mess that is created during the eating and the playing and the dressing. It's a vicious cycle. I feel like I'm constantly trying to multitask to get things done. Feeding lunch to the kids while we grocery shop or paying bills with my right hand while building blocks with my left are just a couple examples. I want so badly to be the best mom, wife, daughter, friend, and neighbor that a girl can be, but it is just not in the cards right now. Most days I feel lucky to keep my head above water. My close friends and family used to jokingly call me Martha, as in Martha Stewart. I heart Martha (minus the whole insider trading scandal and that creepy hoity toity accent) so I always secretly loved it and felt it to be such a compliment. Well folks, Martha has left the building. I was recently asked on a form for Luke's school what my hobbies include. Uhhhh...hmmmm...hobbies? What are those? :) So instead I thought back to what my hobbies used to be and remembered that I loved to cook, garden, sew, read, craft, watch movies, hang out with friends at Happy Hour, work on DIY home improvements with Steve, and many, many more. I must admit now that I cooked Hamburger Helper for dinner this week. Gasp! In my defense it was a new kind which promised to be "wholesome" and "all natural" and "rich in whole grains". Um, it was "disgusting", "bland", and "never-to-be-purchased-again". Martha would be soooo disappointed. :) If only I had time to pour over my cookbooks like I used to and to experiment with new recipes on a weekly basis like I used to. And if only my children would actually like the food I prepare. Ugggh! Some day, I tell myself. It's these times that I find myself wanting to fast forward a few years to a time when diapers are a thing of the past, when both boys attend school five days a week (I get giddy just thinking about that one), and the Terrible Two's/Three's are over. I always feel guilty about this, knowing that I will look back and feel like it all went by too fast (at least that's what I'm told). This reminds me of something I've heard my grandfather jokingly say, "It's not about the destination, it's the journey." (Or something like that.) Actually I think maybe my aunt Tracey (his daughter) says this about him. Anyhoo. So today I made a huge effort to just live in the moment and appreciate the fact that I am lucky to be spending this time with my boys while they are so young. This was the perfect day to do so since we were heading to a pumpkin patch. Every year we visit Sweet Berry Farms twice, once in April for strawberry picking and then in October for their pumpkin patch. It's a lovely little farm complete with lots of great photo opportunities and tons of charm. They have the coolest pumpkins and gourds for sale, and even make their own pumpkin ice cream - yum! You could really spend an entire day out there, stuffing scarecrows, painting pumpkins, walking through their maze, shopping at their lovely outdoor store, and much, much more. Unfortunately the farm is located an hour from our home and the kids NEED their afternoon nap (and I need them to have it) so we only had time for photos, a hayride, lunch, and feeding the goats. Here are a few pics. I must add that the sun was beating down and it was ridiculously hot out there today, certainly not the pumpkin patch weather I would choose. This made for some not-so-good photos of the boys squinting and looking down. Oh, well. I did score a gnarly blue pumpkin and a small white one for outside the front door. Maybe Martha would be proud after all. :) If you're still reading and not completely bored with my ramblings, here are some photos from our day:
Cheesin' for the camera...
Zach in the boat...
"Look Mom, I'm a pun'kin!"...
Darn sun...
Luke loved this...

"Luke, wait for me!"...
"Luke, wait for me!"...
Luke smelling the flowers. This is the third year I've taken this picture...

Hayride pic...

Luke in a tree...

Zach loved the goats...

Luke feeding the goats...

Hayride pic...
Luke in a tree...
Zach loved the goats...
Luke feeding the goats...
This is Zach either raisin' the roof or telling me he wants nothing to do with these strange green pumpkins...

Even Luke thought it was too darn hot...

So, it was a good day. I vow to stop and enjoy these times more often, to enjoy "the journey". Strangely enough, I had a conversation with a man on our hayride who told me to enjoy my children why they're still young, that they grow so fast. Was he in my head this morning or what?! The strange part was that he didn't even have kids, only nieces and nephews. Good advice just the same.
Even Luke thought it was too darn hot...
So, it was a good day. I vow to stop and enjoy these times more often, to enjoy "the journey". Strangely enough, I had a conversation with a man on our hayride who told me to enjoy my children why they're still young, that they grow so fast. Was he in my head this morning or what?! The strange part was that he didn't even have kids, only nieces and nephews. Good advice just the same.
Hope you all are enjoying life, too!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jess...it makes me feel comforted to know that I am not the only one with all these thoughts too! Although I was never a Martha...I will definitely try to slow down every so often and enjoy my two girls while I can.
This was a glorious post. I think all of us feel this way (and I have reached the grandmother stage). Also I am one of those who call you "Martha".
My sweet friend Jessica, that was beautiful. I remember when I was young, I thought it was gross that my mom's washing machine was dirty. It had this build up of lent and dust caked in the corners with dried starch. As an adult, I NEVER had a dirty washing machine. I mean, it's where you wash clothes - it should be spotless. But tonight, I discovered that my mom's washing machine had found it's way into my house. I have a confession to make. When you are in my thoughts, I think of a person who does it all. I picture your house spotless, your kids perfectly behaved, and you taking the time to write those little love notes to Steve. After reading your blog, I found myself teary-eyed. I think I'm a little relieved to know that my life is not crazy and unmanageable because I'm a working mom...it's because I'm a mom. I had a bad night tonight. I came home stressed out from work and took it out on the family. You made me feel better, and you made me smile - thanks so much for that. And guess what we're going to do on Sunday? We're going to check out Sweet Berry Farms! I miss you and I pray that we will never stop being friends, even if we never see each other! Love, Michelle
I'm very proud of you, Jess -- you're wonderful!
I am touched by your comments and am so glad that I could provide the inspiration to your post... Your boys are beautiful!
Jess, what a great blob!!! You could be a very successful writer or come to think about it,you could be very successful at any thing you wished to do. You are so talented.
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