Allow me to explain:
My kids don't like to sleep in...ever. The one time Luke slept past 7am I knew for sure something was wrong. Sure enough he ended up in the hospital for three days with pneumonia. True story. Anyway, this is a trait I attribute to Steve because he is a morning guy while this. girl. can. SLEEP. I mean sleep. I could go to bed at 8pm and still sleep until 8am. I'm not happy about it or proud of it, but lately I'm just not a big fan of early mornings. Or really mornings in general. Unless there's a 10am nap scheduled (for me).
But back to the point...
The boys love Cheerios. I mean really love Cheerios. I don't understand it; they do nothing for me. I thought it would be a fabulous bribe encouragement if I served them Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast last weekend.
The catch?
They must wake up, go downstairs, flip on the tube, and eat their new delicious "honey cheerios"...
I know, I know, fabulous parenting going on over here.
But it worked!
The kids were in heaven.
I was bragging about my genius bribe encouragement.
Steve and I were high-fiving.
Life was good.
Fast forward to Monday.
AKA the day we went back to regular Cheerios.
Luke gave me an earful:
"Mom, I want the good ones."
So the next day I mixed some regular ones with some honey ones to try to wean him. (Isn't that what they do for addicts?)
And I got another earful:
"Mom, I don't like how you mixed some regular ones in there."
I created a monster.
"And Mom, next time I want all honey ones and I want you to leave the box on the counter so I know they're the right ones."
So bossy.
As if I couldn't pour a bowl of regular ones and leave out the honey box.
He has no idea who he's dealing with here.
He has no idea who he's dealing with here.
But I like the way he's trying to out-think me.
Well, "like" is strong. I'd really just prefer him to go back to the damn regular cheerios.
So, the moral of the story?
I'm not really sure, but I think the Food Nazi was right to hold off on sugary cereals for this long because apparently once you honey you never go back.
I'm not really sure, but I think the Food Nazi was right to hold off on sugary cereals for this long because apparently once you honey you never go back.
Well looky at me on a roll writing two blog posts in one week.
Did you catch that error? It has been well over a week now. Let's just say I had some technical difficulties.
Let's recap Christmas while we're at, shall we...
I really enjoyed the holidays this year. Like really enjoyed them! The boys are at that fun age where they find everything magical. I love seeing that twinkle in their eye.
(See, I am a good and loving mother.)
And I also like that you can pull out the whole "Santa and his elves are watching you" bit to get them to behave.
There I go again.
My mom says it's my shtick. I say she should try living with them and see how long it is before she loses her marbles too. I'm fairly certain she'd be bribing with sugar cereals and threatening with elves within days.
Anyway, back to the magical holidays...
These were taken from my phone. Yep, I got a new phone and it takes pictures, sends texts, the works. So current of me, eh?
I should note this is what caused the delay in my post. I had no clue how to get pics from my phone onto my computer. Not very current of me, eh? Any sane person would carve a moment out of her day to read the user manual and complete the task. Not this gal.
Slim pickin's at the Salado Christmas Tree Farm.
We will be going back to Elgin next year.
Cutting down our ugly tree. (It was the best in the bunch.)
Sorry, can't figure out how to rotate the cell pics. Baby steps.
Heading home.
Decorating the ugly tree.
School Christmas party
Ditto. Zach had fun decorating cookies.
Luke and Kayla at the mall. The train ride was closed so we let them get on the carousel.
Zach on the carousel. I was so dizzy at this point I thought I was going to throw up.
We went back to the mall the next day just to ride the train...
...and to wait in line for over an hour to see Santa. Fun times!
Luke had a lot to say. It was really cute.
We made more than 300 of these little guys. They were shared with teachers, neighbors, friends, and family.
Which meant my kitchen looked like this for a few days.
The think the packaging was my favorite part.
The boys had fun delivering them to our neighbors.
Opening stockings Christmas morning.
Santa can still get away with shopping the dollar bins at Target...
...and giving practical items like new water bottles.
Opening presents.
Feels good to get Christmas knocked out. I am probably the last blogger in the world still working on 2010. Oh well!
Adios Amigos!