Okay, so it's not exactly giant, but it seems humongous to us.
This is the first year our peach tree has produced anything even close to edible, and it has been soooo exciting. (I know, I don't get out much.) When we moved to this house in February of 2008, we didn't really pay much attention to the straggly little tree in our side yard. That summer it produced a few golf ball sized peaches that were quickly consumed by deer or whatever other varmints crawled up from the river. The same was true for 2009. We talked about maybe actually doing something to the tree, like pruning it or watering it, or something. But that didn't happen. So imagine our surprise this year when the peaches grew to normal size and actually resembled something one would find in the grocery store. We were skeptical, only bringing in a few at first. The kids waited (not so) patiently as they ripened, and we finally cut into them only to find the sweetest, most delicious peaches we'd ever tasted. (Okay, so maybe we're a little partial.) But who can argue with tasty, free, and organic? "Organic" might be a stretch but as I mentioned earlier, we do NOTHING to this tree...no pesticides, no chemicals, no water, no sweet talkin'...no nothin'. :) Granted they're not certified and we've yet to have a little man in a white coat show up with stickers to confirm so, but whatever. We've literally picked hundreds and have enjoyed sharing them with friends and neighbors, even packaging some in fun baskets with cute tags. Very "Martha Stewart", don't you think? Maybe I'm making a come back? With my lazily grown peaches? :) Maybe not. But I have caught the bug. I'm convinced next year we can start that organic garden I've been wanting. And by organic garden, I mean a couple of pots of tomatoes on our upstairs deck. Baby steps.
Look!!! I finally figured out how to turn the flash off. It's that incredibly obvious hidden little lightning bolt with a line through it.
I have got to start reading my manual.
And yes, I am that dorky, adding branches from the tree.
We've yet to pick the peaches at the top of the tree, so if you live in the area and own a ladder, stop on by and help yourself.
And if anyone has advice on peach tree maintenance, I'm all ears.
Farmer Jess
PS-I'm in the process of changing our blog's name to gain some anonymity (as suggested by a friend). Any suggestions?
PSS-Some of you have mentioned that it is hard to comment or that your comments haven't shown up. I've made the commenting easier. Anyone can leave a comment by choosing "anonymous" from the drop down menu. No Google account necessary, no word verification. Just make sure to sign your name so I know who you are. Do I sound like I'm begging for comments or what? :)