Thursday, July 15, 2010

Luke and the Giant Peach

Okay, so it's not exactly giant, but it seems humongous to us.

This is the first year our peach tree has produced anything even close to edible, and it has been soooo exciting. (I know, I don't get out much.) When we moved to this house in February of 2008, we didn't really pay much attention to the straggly little tree in our side yard. That summer it produced a few golf ball sized peaches that were quickly consumed by deer or whatever other varmints crawled up from the river. The same was true for 2009. We talked about maybe actually doing something to the tree, like pruning it or watering it, or something. But that didn't happen. So imagine our surprise this year when the peaches grew to normal size and actually resembled something one would find in the grocery store. We were skeptical, only bringing in a few at first. The kids waited (not so) patiently as they ripened, and we finally cut into them only to find the sweetest, most delicious peaches we'd ever tasted. (Okay, so maybe we're a little partial.) But who can argue with tasty, free, and organic? "Organic" might be a stretch but as I mentioned earlier, we do NOTHING to this pesticides, no chemicals, no water, no sweet talkin' nothin'. :) Granted they're not certified and we've yet to have a little man in a white coat show up with stickers to confirm so, but whatever. We've literally picked hundreds and have enjoyed sharing them with friends and neighbors, even packaging some in fun baskets with cute tags. Very "Martha Stewart", don't you think? Maybe I'm making a come back? With my lazily grown peaches? :) Maybe not. But I have caught the bug. I'm convinced next year we can start that organic garden I've been wanting. And by organic garden, I mean a couple of pots of tomatoes on our upstairs deck. Baby steps.

Look!!!  I finally figured out how to turn the flash off.  It's that incredibly obvious hidden little lightning bolt with a line through it. 

I have got to start reading my manual.

And yes, I am that dorky, adding branches from the tree.

We've yet to pick the peaches at the top of the tree, so if you live in the area and own a ladder, stop on by and help yourself.

And if anyone has advice on peach tree maintenance, I'm all ears.

Farmer Jess

PS-I'm in the process of changing our blog's name to gain some anonymity (as suggested by a friend). Any suggestions?

PSS-Some of you have mentioned that it is hard to comment or that your comments haven't shown up. I've made the commenting easier. Anyone can leave a comment by choosing "anonymous" from the drop down menu. No Google account necessary, no word verification. Just make sure to sign your name so I know who you are.  Do I sound like I'm begging for comments or what? :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Look, Mom! No floaties!!!

Luke has officially retired his floaties (aka swimmies, floatation devices, etc.).  He's treading water like a champ, retrieving dive sticks from the bottom of the pool, and swimming around like a little fish.  It's just a doggie paddle for now, but he's taking lessons which will hopefully teach him some proper strokes.  I'm just happy he won't sink. :)  As the mother of small children, the pool causes me a tremendous amount of fear, so the way I see it, it's one down (Luke), one to go (Zach).  Phewww!

And it is absolutely filling me pride and excitement. Is that cheesy? It's the same feeling I had when I received my driver's license and when he potty trained. Completely unrelated, but whatever. That's the feeling.

Until we purchased dive sticks, Luke used a paint can opener.  Aren't we resourceful?

Zach is also getting more confident in the pool.  He can swim around in his floaties without assistance and is even jumping in, allowing his head to go under water.

Looks like we're that much closer to Steve and I kicking back on the deck while the kids swim on their own.  After all, that is the goal. :)

I honestly don't remember what was so funny, but I thought this was a cute picture.

This shot was taken before the floaties were retired.  I'm pretty sure we won't be able to squeeze him into them ever again.

In other random news, the boys are obsessed with the song "Yellow Submarine".  They first heard it on YouTube (a great time-suck for little kids, by the way).  Luke knows just about the entire first verse, and the boys love singing the refrain (or chorus?) over and over and over and over and over again. 

We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine...

In the tub, the pool, at the dinner table, in their beds, while getting in the car, while sitting in the car, while getting out of the car.  Over and over again.  I suppose it could be worse.  It could be a Bob the Builder song (been there, done that) or Barney's "I love you, you love me..." (cringe), but there's something weird about a toddler belting out Beatles songs, no?  And as a note, one must be very careful when leaving a four-year-old alone at the computer.  I walked up just in time to stop a clip entitled "Breaking Footage:  Man with Knife".  Um, no thank you. 
