Obviously I am way behind on this here blog. I started writing a blog post to catch up on the past month, but I'm pretty sure it could have been patented as a cure for insomnia. So instead I'll just post a bunch of nothingness:
We're thinking this one might have a future in modeling...
Don't you agree? Can't you just picture him looking down at his watch to check the time?
Pouty face...
Back to reality...
Yes, we're already talking orthodontia with his dentist. Poor guy.
This one most likely won't be modeling anytime soon. At least not with this look...
Notice the waffle in his right hand. Yum.
Swimming season is almost here. Until then the boys have been cruising around the pool with these...
"What?", you ask. Why is the four-and-under set riding bikes around the death trap in our back yard?
Um, they are wearing helmets.
"Safety first" is our motto around here.
Luke took a little tumble on his bike yesterday...
Yep, that's a bloody nose, a fat lip, a chipped tooth, and a scraped chin. Lovely. Imagine how bad this could have been had he not been wearing a helmet.
That's all I've got.