Recently a friend of mine stumbled upon our blog, read the entire two years in one sitting, and then reported to me that I sound sad.
Huh? What?
I was confused.
So that night I sat down and did the same.
First of all, snooooooze fest.
Second, HOLY HECK!
She was right! I sound like a big crabby whiner. Eeeek!
I've been thinking about it a lot and have two answers or justifications or excuses.
Not sure what you want to call it.
Not sure what you want to call it.
1.) I am clearly using this blog less as an online scrapbook and more for free therapy. Meaning, I don't blog on a weekly basis, but rather when the mood stikes. And quite frankly the mood strikes when I'm feeling a little unsettled or frustrated. Something about getting it all out on paper (or the www as it is) helps me deal with it and put things into perspective.
Maybe I should just get a journal and shut my trap?
2.) Because as much as this is supposed to be an online scrapbook of sorts, I don't easily say "Look at us! We're awesome! We do fun stuff every day! And my kids are perfect angels! And I never raise my voice!" or "Check out our cool crafts! And how I'm decorating the house! And my delicious made-from-scratch organic healthy foods that my kids gobble up without complaint!". Clearly these exclamations would be a lie stretch anyway. Not that I don't enjoy the blogs that do this, but it's just not me.
In fact, I find it much more fun to use sarcasm and negativity.
For example, I wanted to put a third justification/answer/excuse.
Something like:
3.) My kids are out of control and drive me to the point of insanity just about every day of my life. And really we're all just lucky to be fed and clothed and alive by the end of each day.
Hmmm...not really sure what that says about me but whatever.
Maybe I should pay for therapy? :)
So let's get crazy today and see what it's like for me to write a blog post that's all Happy Happy Joy Joy, umkay?
(Bonus points if you can name that cartoon.)
I'm going to break down all this happiness in to months.
Also known as Kid #1's birth month
The Glider Rider was officially retired and he's riding all over the neighborhood on two wheels, no training wheels, and with pedals.
Go Luke, go!
The cake...
Old Swampy was requested again. I tried to talk him into something new and different, but you can't turn down the birthday boy, right?
The cupcakes were for a little school party since he opted for a "fun day with a friend" instead of party.
He had a hard time deciding how to spend his day, but eventually chose the "hot dog place" for lunch and then the Austin Children's Museum...
And what birthday would be complete without some ice cream?...
Ummm, make that frozen yogurt. But whatever. The kids didn't notice.
Our Spring Break falls in March, but unfortunately we all passed around a very nasty and very LONG illness. I had promised the kids we would go to Home Depot and pick out flower seeds to plant in the back yard, so finally on the last day of the break we made it happen!
We decided to call it a Garden Party and invited the neighbor girl to join us. And since I'm kind of goofy, our invite included a small pot, a seed packet, a flower from our garden, and a handwritten note from Luke with the party's details. I didn't take a picture, but I have to admit it was kind of cute and the boys loved it!
I'm pretty sure Steve thinks I'm raising our boys to "bat for the other team" if you know what I mean. :)
This was the potting station...
I included some marigolds to plant along with the seeds for instant gratification and in case nothing grew.
This was the pint-sized snack table...
The following pictures were taken by Luke...
The kids had smoothies and the adults had white wine spritzers, because it's impossible for me to throw a party, garden or otherwise, without libations.
I think Zach liked the smoothies. Notice the ring around his entire face from trying to climb into the glass to get every last lick out.
I love this shot he took looking down into the blender.
Some have asked for my smoothie recipe. I don't really have an exact recipe, but we use frozen berries (big bag of assorted from Sam's), bananas, vanilla yogurt, and oj. No ice. Blend.
And speaking of parties and libations, my neighbor and I have started a weekly ritual we call Cocktail Thursday (it could probably use a more tasteful name, no?). It started out as a one-time thing and then grew into a whole shebang. We now use it as a way to experiment with new foods, drinks, and crafts for the kids. (The drinks aren't for the kids. Promise.)
I can't remember what this drink was called but it included a grenadine-soaked (or was is bitters?) sugar cube and Prosecco. Christy, chime in here.
One of the snacks for one of the Thursdays.
Fruit Skewers
We try to make it fun and festive for the kids, too!
Chicken Salad in Phyllo Cups
A close up of the same. Because I'm dorky like that
Grannysmith apple and smoked gouda on toast with dijon and watercress, wrapped in prosciutto and topped with pickled (by me) red onion.
Take that, Martha!!! :)
Here's the recipe.
Still dorky.
The crafts range from coloring sheets to finger puppets...
Kid Table
Grownup Swing. :)
That's my neighbor on the left and her sister-in-law on the right.
This was a little 3-D pig that the kids could decorate and assemble...
Malcolm (8, I think) colored his black and called it a HOG...
Love that creativity!
One week the kids got to turn hard-boiled eggs into bunnies, roosters, and chicks...
One week Christy made a shrimp boil for dinner...
It was sooooo good!
Happy couple!
Side note: that little red pot on the table (above) was Lily's pot from the Garden Party.
Zach having fun...
(Picture taken by Luke.)
Max, the neighbors' dog. Also taken by Luke.
I suggest everyone go out, find a neighbor, and start having Cocktail Thursdays. But maybe call them Craft Thursdays or something a little less telling, ya know?
Easter was definitely the highlight from April. Between their school, our playgroup, and our own at home, the kids had four Easter egg hunts. FOUR! That's nuts!!!
This was the snack we brought to the playgroup's party...
This was what I was referring to in my last post.
(I'm posting out of order. Confusing much?)
And the close up...
You knew it was coming, right? :)
Sorry, I couldn't resist posting this crack shot.
He is going to kill me one day for this.
The Easter Bunny filled their baskets with lots bubble lawnmowers and lots of garden-related goodies. Mostly from Target's dollar bins...
Funny how Santa and the big bunny both shop at Target.
I know their baskets are a wee bit on the ginormous side, but I grew up having a big basket and wanted for my boys to have the same.
In ten years the baskets will be in perfect proportion to them. :)
They did each get one candy item in their baskets...PEZ dispensers.
Remember those?
The boys thought they were so cool!!!
We also helped out with an Easter brunch that our neighbors hosted.
For the table, we decided to have a little bit of fun, but on a budget.
I suggested burlap, gingham, nests, butterflies (shocker!!!), and mismatched vintage china. Kind of an earthy elegant look.
This was a shot I took on my phone to send to my neighbor for inspiration...
The table turned out BEAUTIFUL and I think we only spent something like $20 for the whole thing (the table was set for 12). Not bad!!!
Unfortunately, I never took pictures of the result, but this was one my neighbor texted me...
Don't hate my neighbor because she cracks open eggs and fills them with water and fresh flowers from her garden. :)
Is anyone getting that joke or am I totally out there on this one????
Along with helping out with table, we also brought Ina's Mac and Cheese (found here) and Haricots Verts in Herb Butter (found here).
Can you tell I'm using this blog as my recipe holder too?
And the bunny cake I vowed to make for the boys every year as a fun tradition, was covered in chocolate ganache instead of the usual piped white tufts.
The ganache was much harder and I honestly don't think it turned out as well.
Ok, all this Happy Happy is exhausting me. Looks like I'm going to split this up in to a two-part series.
Aren't you excited?
Sorry, my sarcasm snuck back in there for a sec. :)
Peace Out,
I wouldn't describe your blog as sad or negative. I would call it relateable, funny, and honest. I forget sometimes that I am not the only mom who is too tired and too busy to be the perfect mommy that her kids deserve. I always appreciate you so much for throwing it out there and letting me know that I'm perfectly normal! So, if you're going to go underground with your "therapy", let me in on it, because I need your therapy, too!
Love you!
I know that this is not the response you are looking for and that this will make you feel very uncomfortable, but you are AMAZING!!!! Even I, your best friend, who has teased you about being "Martha" for all these years had no clue that you did so much cool stuff!
You are an awesome blogger and although I enjoyed your "Ren and Stimpy" blog (where are my bonus points?), I am looking forward to more sarcasm and negativity!!
Love you lots,
Ok, I take it back. (I never said you were negative btw!) I just said some of your blogs sounded like you were sad. Yeesh! Bring on the sarcasm! I want you to write whatever makes you happy.
And stop taking pictures of me until I lose 27 pounds.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog, you are hilarious and I actually get to hear the cool stuff you have been doing and see all of the awesome craftiness at its best! Sad wasn't a word I would have chosen. Funny is though! Love you tons! The boys are adorable and I love your crafts and cool drinks and beautiful food. I so wish you lived closer so some of that would rub off on me! ;)
I'm with those who don't think you sound sad. Let's face it -- happy doesn't make people laugh. You've got to play the sarcasm -- self- and other-deprecation -- if you are going to keep us coming. The first line of "Anna Karenina": Happy families all resemble each other.... I think you are dry, rye. Don't spoil it with mixer.
For the record (and some of those bonus points), "umkay' is from South Park. Another great post, Jess.
Ok, so the last two comments were from my parents. Anyone else think it's funny that my mom quoted Tolstoy and my dad quoted South Park? And my mom threw in a reference to booze. Love them!!!!
Fantastic post!! I love you and I'm pretty sure....I'd love your parent too! :o)
Oh Jessica! You are fabulous!!! I love this blog so much because it is super funny and yes it does make me seam like a normal mom for feeling like my kids are driving me insane!!! I am going to shop property in your hood because those awesome Thursdays are just what I need!!! I love the presentation of the food, they look like something out of Top chef!!!
Love it all!
I love your blog just the way it is. Blog more often if you can! Since we won't see you weekly all summer, I'd love to "catch up" via blog. Love the hiney crack picture!!! That is super cute.
Seriously, when do you have time to cook, much less make it from scratch, healthy, and a work of art too? and then still find time for adult beverage? My time management must really suck. If it didn't come from the freezer then to the microwave, or from a drive thru somewhere my children might not know it was "food'.
Awesome post!!!!
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