Monday, October 18, 2010


Looking for a cure for insomnia?  Look no longer.  This one is long and random...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I've been a total slacker on this blog.  Whatcha gonna do about it?  I think about it almost every day.  Just like I think about how I should probably clean my ceiling fans and baseboards more often (okay...ever); about how I should work out more and yell less; about how I should figure out when the heck to use "whom" instead of "who" (FYI, I think I might know); about how I should probably do something about my garage which is slowly looking like an uncomfortable episode of "Hoarders"; about how I am a complete and total idiot (please don't tell me otherwise or give me words of praise) for deciding that I could make my son's owl costume from a Simplicity ("simple", my @ss) pattern...I could go on and on, but I'll spare us all.

And if you've been to my house, you know what all this thinkin' leads to...not much.  (Please don't inspect my ceiling fans or look in my garage.)

Bottom line is I'm busy, like any mother of two, and as much as I want to chronicle it all (or at least some of it), I struggle.  I have a friend with three children who manages to do it regularly, and I am impressed!  I can hardly crank out one a month.  Wait, I just realized it sounds like I'm hosting a pity party.  I am not.  I am extremely fortunate for all that I have.  I only wish there were more than 24 hours in the day.  And that my children would sleep deeply in those extra hours. :)

Where am I going with this?  Not entirely sure.  But here is a look is a little of what we've been up to.  If nothing else, just to ease my mind.

Luke's graduation (Yes, this was in May.)...

Luke with his teacher, Ms. Kendall.  We miss her!

What he's graduating from, I'm still trying to figure out.  I guess his three-year-old class.


A photo of items we placed on the table for the Teacher Appreciation Brunch at Luke's school...

Luke, if you're reading this years from now, please remember that I was the Event Coordinator at your preschool for two years, which involved lots of time, e-mails, organizing fundraisers and brunches, serving on the school's board, yada, yada, yada. 

Just want to make sure you remember.


Photos from a night this summer when we played in the rain...

I was testing out (unsuccessfully, I might add) functions on my fancy schmancy new Canon, so they're all blurry. 

I kind of like how these turned out...

They should probably be wearing helmets, eh?

And I'll give you one guess what this kid is doing...

We are really classy around here, peeing in the front yard and all.


First day of school...

Bad picture.

So I gave up on the kids and photographed their lunches instead...

Yes, I am odd.

We also buttered up welcomed our new teachers with these...

And I just found this pic of the token gift we have to the boys' Summer MDO teachers...

Both of these ideas I stole borrowed from somewhere in Blogland. 

Picture Day at school...

Had to bribe Luke with a piece of candy just to wear this shirt. 

Got a call from the director that he had a freakout after not finding a piece of candy in his pocket (I told him he could have it when he got home, but I guess he forgot the details of when and where). 

Busted for bribing my kid -- rats!!! 

Have I mentioned on this blog that Luke has an extreme aversion to buttons?  Anything with buttons...pillows, toys, tufted furniture, people wearing button-down shirts. 

It's weird.


Then there was Mud Day at school...

This is a day where the kids get to play in mud, paint, shaving cream, etc. 

The parents are encouraged to participate. 

I dread this day. 

It makes me twitchy just thinking about it. 

But I love my kids, so I joined in.  


This was Luke's first year to even get this close to any of the activities. 

He's not a big fan of getting messy. 

It's one of my favorite qualities of his.


We also had this cutie patootie neighbor girl stayed with us for three days while her parents went out of town...
It was fun. 

It was exhausting. 

If we were ever thinking about having a third child, we aren't now. 

Not that we're not fond of the girl (because we are), but rather we're not fond of being out numbered.


Now, I better get off the computer and get back to this...

Because, although I have finished cutting out 160 feathers (twice, due to my stupidity) and sewing them together to make 80 complete feathers, that only brings me to step 3 of this 43-step costume. 


I think I need to be saved from myself.


Oh, and here's the biggest news from our world...

WARNING:  The following picture is naaaaasty!

Luke took a tumble.

Later the same night...
Recuperating in the guest room with a milkshake. 

Zach always makes out when Luke is sick or injured.


After a trip to the dentist, this is what Luke looks like now...

He handled it like a champ. 

Better than I could have asked. 

I was the mess, actually.

Now if we could just get him to stop carrying his teeth around.

Phhhhew, I feel better now. 

If you made it this far, thanks for tuning into my randomness.



Anonymous said...

Jessica what a great blog...every time I read it, it makes me want to start my own blog...maybe when the kids are in school! :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow Jess, tooo cute! You write so well, my mom and I both love to read it. miss ya, we should do a happy hour in all your spare time. :)

Girly Girl said...

Oh Jess! This is so funny! I love to read your blog! I won't pressure you for more.... I second the happy hour;)

j2c2hap said...

I love the "Hoarders" comment... and believe me you aren't the only one with that problem.

The picture of their lunch is too cute... mighty nice lunch too! Lucky boys.

I am very excited about Luke's day he will look back at pictures of all his cool, unique costumes and appreciate your hard work.

Rebecca gilson said...

You Rock jessica! I love your little gifties for the teachers. I wish I had a parent like you when I taught!! You always think of everything. Keep up the great work!!

Susannah said...

Unfortunately, your blog was extremely interesting, so it did not cure my insomnia. Better luck next time.