And for you smarty-pants out there thinking, "What about purchasing a potted tree and then planting it after the holidays?". Well, the article went on to explain that these trees don't do well in the humidity of our homes and rarely survive planting. So there you have it, my dreams of a pre-lit beauty went out the window.
My hunky lumberjack of a husband. :)
Stong man!
The hayride back. It was a long search.
***"C" is for COOKIE***
Oh, my beloved Cookie Weekend. I should probably be honest and admit that it is not my Cookie Weekend, but rather a weekend that my family started and I just happen to really enjoy. Some might even say I have hijacked it a bit, requiring organization, spreadsheets, and note taking...don't ask. But really, who wouldn't enjoy a weekend of staying in pajamas, eating bowl after bowl of escarole soup, drinking spiked cider, hanging out with family, and baking TWENTY-TWO different kinds of cookies?! Did I mention that many involved refer to it as "Cookie Hell"? It might not be everyone's dream weekend, but it is darn near close to mine. I'm pretty sure this year set the record for most cookies baked. Not only were 22 different recipes made, but most were double batches. Now, that is a lot of cookies!!! At one point, so many people were in the kitchen and so many doughs were being produced, that we (I say we, but I assure you it had nothing to do with me) :) actually mixed two -- already ingredient-full -- recipes together. This produced a Cranberry Oatmeal Pumpkin White Chocolate Sam Adams Cardamom Cookie which the group then decided to ice. Ick!!! Actually it was a hit with some. And yes, only my family would try a Sam Adams cookie recipe.
Taking a break from the baking to cut down their Christmas trees.
Romy and Ozzy
It was snowing and cold. At this point I was thinking all the trees looked great. Just pick one already!
Family pic.
Well, not quite. FYI, that young boy on the left was not with our group. Joe Jr. has a way of making friends wherever he goes. Really.
And just like all Cookie Weekends, there were antics. People chasing each other around with sticky fingers, a mean game of putt-putt through the house, Texas Hold 'Em, lots of sharing (wink, wink -- you know who you are), and wedding planning. You know, the usual.
Proof that the guys got in on the action. Matt, I'm sending this out to all your buddies. :)
Did I mention that I went sans children? Wow, was that something! To be on a plane, by myself, without an enormous bag full of snacks, treats, and DVDs. To read a magazine, take a nap, and use one of my free drink tickets courtesy of Southwest Airlines (it was only 1pm -- shhhh!). The flight was a treat in itself!
Of course, halfway through the weekend I started getting reports that the boys were sick. First Zach, then Steve, and finally Luke. Bummer! I felt guilty, terribly guilty, but there wasn't much I could do. They all survived. See, life can go on without moms. Just not quite as well. :)
Bad picture, but proof that the guys really were playing golf in the house. And proof that Matt has really bad taste in pants. :)
Pop, possibly wanting to call it "Cookie Hell".
Lindsey rolling her caramel something-or-others.
Now that is a happy little cookie baker!
One of the chases I mentioned earlier. Mother and daughter, no less. I think "Mother" won -- Ash had bruises. Ouch!
A big thanks goes out to Barrett for helping me change my settings to make Blogger a bit easier. Now I can't find spellcheck. Rats! Oh, well. It's late and I'm tired. Leaving tomorrow for a Boese Family birthday celebration. The cooking is done, but the bags still need to be packed. No time to edit. Until next time...
Great post, I enjoyed the pics and stories and the shout out! =)
Loved the post!! I think I would really like cookie weekend :o)
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