Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Boys, boys, boys...

It has been a hot summer. I mean seriously HOT!!! But that hasn't kept Luke from playing T-ball. He is still loving it and loving those juice boxes afterward, of course.

Safari Luke
Last week was "Safari Week" at Luke's summer school. We were told that on Thursday the kids could come in their safari gear. Safari gear? What? Well on Wednesday night after a glass of wine and a quick Google search, I decided I could make a safari hat out of a paper bag and a tupperware dish. The binoculars are empty toilet paper rolls. Luke seemed pleased. My mommy-friends thought I was a dork :).

Zach is not walking yet, but he sure is getting good at climbing. He loves going up the stairs (supervised, of course) and especially loves climbing onto this dump truck. As you can tell by the expression on his face, I'm not sure how he feels about his big brother pushing him around...


Maria Killam said...

Your boys look like little angels! Love these pics!

Unknown said...

Yikes! I've forgotten about this blog! And I'm one of the grandparents -- you know, one of those that Jess mentions that aren't paying any attention to their adorable grandchildren.

I love pix of Luke playing ball -- especially, for some reason, his little feet at the plate. But I most enjoy the safari outfit and caption. It's so Jess to whip up a costume with virtually nothing. Wine or no wine, though why not wine? (Another reason, too, to appreciate Google as the tool of the gods. One that is safe with wine. At least, physically safe.)

Love, Mimi